Reiki Treatment – Diary now open for next week

Reiki is a truly magical, deeply relaxing, healing energy. Reiki energy treats the person as a whole, rather than treating a specific condition, Reiki energy gets to the root of the problem!! Reiki is a technique for relaxation, stress reduction and pain relief – it promotes healing on all levels; mental, physical, spiritual and emotional.

Unbalanced energy centres (chakras) can cause the body a whole lot of turmoil!  The natural energy flow of your body can become stuck and over time is able to manifest itself into illnesses.

Reiki is a simple, relaxing therapy that helps to reduce stress and anxiety by releasing blocked energy.

It is important to emphasise that Reiki is not a replacement for traditional medical care. Many clients choose to have follow-up sessions on a weekly or monthly basis to help them maintain a sense of wholeness and well being.

Love and Light xx


Reiki Healing for Exam Stress and Nerves

Is your teen suffering from exam stress or nerves?

Exams, mock exams and revision, put most people under pressure and weigh your mind down with facts, figures and information.  Our minds can become overloaded, causing stress, mood changes and anxiety. When the mind is stressed, this impairs memory, affects sleep and exacerbates the imbalance in our life.

There are many simple ways to create more balance during a period of intense stress, such as during exam time. These include taking regular breaks, moving the body by doing exercise or going for a walk, and spending time in nature.

Reiki Healing can be a source of powerful peace and relaxation, helping to counterbalance feelings of anxiety and stress.

Reiki calms the body, helping you breathe more deeply and shift into a different brain state.

Reiki energy can also be sent by distance to the revision or exam period. This feels like a soft, spiritual blanket, covering the situation and enhancing the positive energies involved. Through your intention, feelings of confidence, concentration and competence can be increased.

Reiki does not guarantee a particular outcome or result of any test or exam, rather it helps the person to feel calm and relaxed and therefore in a clearer state of mind to answer the exam paper.

Wishing anyone taking exams this season the very best.

If you would like to book an appointment or you would  like more information please don’t hesitate to contact Nicola on 07709859339.

Experienced teacher. DBS. Reduced rates for students.

After Care Advice

In order to gain the greatest benefit from your treatment you are recommended to follow the advice below:

  • Drink plenty of water( more than usual) as this helps to flush the system of waste and toxins released during treatment.
  • Eat light and healthy meals so as not to overload the body and its digestive and elimination systems whilst it is processing physical and energetic changes following treatment.
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine and smoking to keep your system clear of further toxins whilst it re-balances itself. These can also cause headaches, nausea and lethargy post treatment.
  • Allow yourself physical and mental rest.
  • Listen to your body and do what you feel you need
  • Some people experience mild reactions following treatments. These are nothing to worry about and usually result as part of the mind and body’s natural detoxification and rebalancing processes. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any queries or concerns.

Reiki Drum Healing

All cultures around the world have embraced the drum at some point in their history for healing, meditation, sacred ritual and for connecting with the Divine.
Combining Reiki and drumming creates the Reiki Drum Technique, a method of utilising the drum to introduce Reiki energy into a person’s energy field to bring about deep relaxation thereby releasing deep seated tensions and achieving homeostasis. The drum rhythm reminds the body of its optimal vibration.
There have been many scientific research studies conducted to discover the effect sound and drumming have on the human body and psyche. Research has indicated that even drumming for a short period of time can induce an alpha state, brainwaves associated with well-being and euphoria. Drumming helps people express and address emotional issues, aiding in the removal of blockages and producing emotional release.
On a physical level drumming in studies has shown to alter endocrine and immunologic response in a person. Scientific research demonstrates that cortisol levels, blood pressure readings, heart rate and blood flow are all positively affected, natural killer cells are more active and drumming aids the production of endorphins and endogenous opiates assisting in pain control. On a spiritual level, the vibrations of the drum beat encourage mental, emotional and spiritual energy bodies to realign and chakras to become balanced.

Reiki Drum Mental Reprogramming is a way of treating negative habits or natural tendencies. The technique can be used to overcome bad habits, to focus the mind on something important or for achieving a goal. The client focuses their mind on the issue in question, whilst the practitioner drums gently over their body.

The Reiki Drum Journey is a technique to facilitate altered consciousness for the client to access information for change in any area of their life. It can be used for healing personal issues, career concerns, relationship problems, accessing the client’s inner wisdom and tuning into spiritual guidance. This technique can be exceptionally empowering and healing on all levels.



Reiki for Animals

Reiki not only benefits humans it can also benefit animals. Many vets and nurses agree that Reiki can be a valuable asset when used to support veterinary medicine, before and after surgery. It can help agitated, stressed animals become calmer and generally more relaxed.

How Do the Animals React to Reiki?

This really does depend on both the animal and the issues it has. Most pets will become very relaxed, often yawning or twitching as they release stress and negative emotions. Most love this gentle healing energy and stand or lie  in position to receive it. An animal treatment is generally shorter, animals are very receptive to this energy and instinctively know when they have received enough and will move away.

Mobile services are available throughout the West Lancashire area. To book a hands on treatment for your furry friends or pets, simply fill out the contact form with any queries and  I will be back in touch shortly.

Animal Reiki

Full Moon Reiki Drum – Thursday 17th October @ 7pm

We will gather to set intentions, release emotions and to acknowledge what lies in the depths of our shadows whilst holding each other in healing love and light.

Numbers are limited so please book early, to avoid disappointment!

No drumming or experience of Reiki required.


7 – 9 pm


Crystal Chakra Body Balance

Crystal Chakra Body Balance

Enjoy the benefits of a crystal healing session, incorporating Reiki energy. Each session will be tailored to what you need at this time. Appointments last approximately 1 hour.


Goddess Soul Coaching

            “My work ultimately weaves holistic well being, self expression and earth wisdom together”.

Goddess Soul Coaching empowers women to release negative beliefs, let go of  past and present trauma and stand strong in their beautiful truth. I invite you you to come and sit with me, in a spiritual private, safe space to release, relight and reconnect with your Soul and Higher Self.

Are you suffering from stress, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem or are you feeling a little lost? Are you wanting to take back control of your life? Are you struggling coming off medication? I can help!

You will learn to heal your inner Goddess and set her on fire with passion and strength!!

Call Nicola for an informal chat.

Love and Light x

Munay Ki: The 13th Rite Womb Healing

Munay-ki: The 13th Rite

The womb is to create and give birth to life.

The Rite of the Womb is a beautiful rite that was gifted to Marcela Lobos from a lineage of Medicine Women in the jungles of Peru. It is the 13th Rite of the Munay-Ki.

The Rite of the Womb is a very powerful loving energy transmission that will restore the natural balance of your creative centre. The Rite of the Womb is a blessing of the Womb, our sacred place of creation. Many women are still carrying the pain and resentment of their mothers, grandmothers and female ancestors. Some feel the wounds of a past life or had traumatic experiences in this lifetime that block their joy and happiness and prevent them from connecting with their feminine power. The healing energy of this blessing will reactivate your feminine power.



Spiritual Coaching 1-2-1 Session

Our spiritual life 1:2:1 coaching sessions will help you by changing the way you operate on a deeper level. Rather than just examining your behaviours, habits, and goals, we will  delve into your deep rooted beliefs, your connection to the divine, and help you to find your true self.  You don’t have to be religious to work with a spiritual life coach – you just have to be open to deepening your connection with the nonphysical part of yourself, your soul.

Understanding yourself and the world around you from a spiritual perspective can help you lead a more meaningful life. You may discover that you have a profound purpose and that all of the events in your life have been orchestrated to bring you to your true path. Working together we can help you clear out any energetic blocks to living the life that you were always meant to live and  help you to rediscover who you really are, and heal your old wounds so that you can move into a better, brighter future.

Packages are bespoke and the date, time and amount of session will be agreed after an initial consultation.

Indian Head Massage

The aim of Indian head massage is to release tension in the muscles and joints of the head, face, neck and shoulders. Indian head massage can also help with relieving fatigue, insomnia, headaches, and sinusitis. The experience is deeply calming and relaxing, leaving a feeling of increased energy, concentration and revitalisation.

Aids in the relief of migraines
Often tension in the mid back, neck and head can lead to headaches and migraines. Your massage will focus on applying pressure to the mid back, arms and shoulders to reduce tension in the muscles. Massage around the neck and head encourages circulation of cerebral fluid and reduce headache causing blockages.

Promotes Hair Growth
Massage to the scalp and head increases nourishment and oxygen to the hair follicle which in turn stimulates hair growth. Kneading of the head during a massage, opens up the blood vessels on the scalp and helps in better absorption by the blood vessels . Each hair follicle needs equal amount of nutrients to go into them for the proper growth of each of the strands. Therefore the more massage you have (also accompanied by a good shampoo), the greater the chances of good hair growth.

Stimulates Lymphatic Drainage
The lymphatic system removes waste products from the tissues and back to the heart. Indian head massage aids in this process by stimulating circulation, encouraging the natural drainage of the lymph. It also helps in bringing new nutrients and oxygen to cells. Indian head massage when used for lymphatic drainage can be used to treat swelling and post-traumatic facial oedema after bruising, fracture or surgical procedure.

Relieves insomnia and fatigue
Indian head massage relieves stress and tension within the body by promoting relaxation. This allows a deep sense of well being and relaxation, which in turn affects your sleep cycle.

Relieves symptoms of anxiety and depression
Massaging the head encourages the supply of oxygen to the brain which is one of the best ways of reducing anxiety and of lifting one’s mood. Oxygen helps you think clearly and creatively and a similar effect is experienced through exercise.

Renews energy levels
An Indian Head Massage works with the Ayurvedic concept which goes beyond the limits of healing and places emphasis on balance. Working on the chakras through Indian Massage has a powerful effect in bringing the energy of the body back into balance.

Boost memory capabilities
Often we have short-term memory difficulties because our brains are overloaded with disorganised thoughts, making it very difficult for us to efficiently ‘log’ and collect thoughts and occurrences. Indian Head Massage slows us down, sensual awareness takes over, thoughts quieten and awareness is brought to the forefront.

Cord Cutting

Gift Vouchers


We have a range of gift vouchers for all our treatments. Why not treat someone special to a blissful hour of relaxation, pampering and stress relief. Contact Nicola on 07709859339 for details.